Lockwiki:Community portal
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Community Portal
While Lockwiki hopes to provide you with the most information, there are many other great sites on the Internet. This page lists various resources on locksmithing, locksport, and physical security. Be sure to check the Current Events page for information on locksmithing or locksport events you might be interested in attending.
Please use the discussion page or contact Datagram if you would like your site added to this page.
Personal sites, Blogs, E-Zines
- Blackbag.nl - Barry Wels' blog
- MattBlaze.org - Matt Blaze's homepage
- Deviating.net - Deviant Ollam's homepage
- FrechKey.fr - FrenchKey's homepage (French)
- Haittalevy - Jaakko Fagerlund's homepage
- In.Security - Marc Weber Tobias' blog
- LockpickingForensics.com - datagram's Forensic Locksmithing page
- Lock & Picks - Eric Schmiedl's lock photo gallery
- Making the Cut - Mitch Capper's blog
- NDEmag.com - NDE Magazine
- Raf's Lockpicking World
- Security.org - Marc Weber Tobias' homepage
- TheAmazingKing.com - Jon King's homepage
- Tresoröffnungsblog - Oliver Diederichsen's blog (in both English & German)
- Lockpicking avagy zárnyitás művészete (The Art of Lockpicking) (Hungarian)
Locksport Groups
United States
- The Open Organisation of Lockpickers, US Chapter (TOOOL US)
- The Fraternal Order of Lock Sport (FOOLS)
- Longhorn Lockpicking Club (LLC)
- Fale Association of Locksport Enthusiasts (FALE)
- Detroit Locksport
- Locksport International (L.I) (Defunct)
- Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik - Deutschland e.V. (Sport Enthusiasts of Lockpicking/SSDEV)
- The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers (TOOOL NL)
- The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers, UK Branch (TOOOL UK)
- Ganzuando (Spanish Locksport Group)
- Lockpicking in France
- Lockpicking i zabezpieczenia (?)
- OpenLocks Österreich (?)
- Schlösser picken als Schweizer Sport (Swiss Lockpicking Group/SPASS)
- The Italian Lockpickers Club (TILC) (and TILC Forum)
Locksmithing Groups
United States
- Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA)
- International Association of Investigative Locksmiths (IAIL) (Defunct)
- Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA)
- Master Locksmiths Association (MLA)
- European Locksmith Federation (ELF)
- Institute of Certified Locksmiths (ICL)
- Forensics Institute of Physical Security (FIOPS)